Linda Jay

Jan 11, 20192 min

Oh My God, Thank You.

God never ceases to amaze me. In addition to being an entrepreneur, I work a regular 9 to 5 job, Mon-Fri. I’ve been praying for an opportunity to combine both my professional and entrepreneurial worlds and it has arrived. What started off as a ‘we’ll see’ from the Senior Consultant of our Learning and Organizational Development department, flowered into a whole one-hour class in the largest conference room in the office! I. AM. GEEKED. Its part of their ’New Year, New You’ campaign which is focused on being a better version of yourself. I am honored. They’re offering a ton of different classes from being physically and mentally fit to being fiscally responsible. Yesterday, a promotional video showcasing MY WORK was debuted in front of the ENTIRE company - both corporate and field employees - during our monthly meeting. Oh…AND not only was our CEO in attendance, our entire Medical Advisory Board was there. Talk about FREE PROMO!! The class was opened for registration around 2pm yesterday and as of this afternoon, the class is at 84% capacity! Lord have mercy. I’m so excited about this…I can hardly contain myself. All I could keep saying is ‘Oh my God, Thank You.’

The name of my class is ‘Polish Your Pretty’. I’ll be discussing the basics like how to find the right primer and foundation for your skin type and skin tone. I’ll also be demonstrating how to achieve a polished look for the workplace and I might throw in some color theory to help show people how to camouflage hyper-pigmentation. Why did I chose the title ‘Polish Your Pretty’? I’m so happy you asked! I believe everyone is pretty. My job is not to make people pretty. My job is to help people polish the pretty they already possess. I’ve got content to present. I’ve got a class to present it to and a room to present it in. I asked, God provided - far beyond my wildest dreams! THANK. YOU. GOD!!

Thank you for reading.

Until Next time.

Live. Think. Blog.

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